Thursday, May 20, 2010

Alien face is the new in, at least from what I've seen

So being surrounded by magazines with celebrities telling women to stop looking like normal human beings and start looking like space aliens has made me wonder, what the crap is going on?! Okay, you out there, all four of you readers, should be seriously alarmed by the new trend of 21 and 22 year old women getting botox and face lifts. Have we really hit that low?! Normal, beautiful women are getting their faces "surgically enhanced" when they don't need it!

Sorry, but unless you have been through something like Darth Vader had in star wars and your face has melted off, you don't need it!!!!!!!!!!! All of these celebrities getting botox look like cupie-doll, alien faced weird creatures. It is NOT attractive. You are only 21, you shouldn't be shooting toxic chemicals into your face to look like "Skankie-pants Barbie". You should be traveling the world, living in dumps, going to college, and living your life! So girls, especially a certain freakish looking member of "The Hills" cast, give it a rest. You were beautiful before! Now I'm not sure whether you look more like an alien or a fish, with implants of course.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jazz Sweeties

I have to share this story, and I am not at all super sappy. I hate chick flicks, and I love historical war movies, so do not suppose that I am the eewey gooey type.
I have been listening to a local Jazz band play for about an hour now. They are awesome! They are a small group with a very sexy sound. Deliciously vintage. What I love is that there is a guy who has come to see the singer perform. Whether he realizes it or not we can all see him singing along while he is pretending to be interested in a magazine. Not only that he is so focused on her. His whole face lights up every time she smiles at him. I hope she noticed, because the rest of us in Borders certainly did!

We love you Baldrick!

This is one of the best shows ever created! Not only does it have Tony Robinson "Baldrick" From television's "Black Adder", it actually shows the jobs for each period in history.
We love you Baldrick!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A new chapter of life-

So I am sitting in Borders because of their free internet access. I am working on several trillion essays that are melting my brain with each passing sentence. I'm listening to Mozart to help my writing but I still feel fuzzy, after about 20 pages of writing its inevitable. The other people sitting around me are on facebook or checking out the trailers for the new Zach Effron movie.
Its just another reminder to me that my life is changing everyday. I'd probably be in here watching "The Simpsons" if I didn't feel extreme guilt and anxiety over school. The thing is, I just want to be done. I have been in and out of college for over a decade and I am sick, nigh unto death, of it! Saturday morning I laid in bed and watched old "Tom and Jerry" Cartoons. By "old" I mean they were actually funny and not super loaded with caffeine. It made me wonder, where has my life gone? I'm getting married in two months, how on earth did that happen? When did I become a grownup? Is there any way to slow down my life and still enjoy it?