Monday, August 3, 2009

The new Yuppie: Gluten-free does not = hippie

I feel it is my patriotic and Generation X duty to reveal you Glutten-free, trend vegans+vegatarians, perpetual texters, tweeters, and facebookers for what you really are. YOU ARE THE NEW YUPPIE.
Really, who do you think you are kidding? The only difference between you and your yuppie forefathers is that you pretend to have a social conscious. Instead of buying chocolate labs, you adopt them. And you aren't adopting the 3 legged one eyed chocolate labs that smell like pee, you want the labs that cost as much to adopt as you would pay retail.
Sorry, but you have been exposed for what you really are, the modern, technical
YUPPIE OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM. You are the kind of person that tweets or texts people instead of talking to them. You get really excited every time there is a new version of the iPhone. You like concerts but not the "loud" ones (this is also code for big sell out).You like art but not the "weird stuff", this is also the case for Indie(independent music)You own every Dashboard Confessional album (I love these guys, but I'm sure even they listen to other types of music..)You don't want to have to be around those tattooed liberal crazy's, but you still claim that you are liberal.
Well, I'm not afraid to say it. You are yuppies! You might be worse than yuppies, because you try to hide under the titles of: Emos, Metro-Sexuals, Moderate Liberals, and most blasphemus of all- ARTISTS.


Hans said...

Sadly, I'm hedging towards this. However, I have only one Dashboard Confessionals album, which I hate, but I keep for other members of my household who will remain unnamed.

But I do like the tattoed crazies, I guess - is that all I needed to be a hippie? Are drugs not involved?


Nathan Wheeler said...

So I think you need to add a little bumper sticker thing to the side of your blog that says "women who behave rarely make history"

it is soooo britt like :)


Hippie ARMY Wife? said...

I'm not saying Dashboard is bad, in fact I think the lead singer is really hot, probably because of the tattooed sleeves... No what bothers me are the people who are vegetarians because they heard it was trendy. People who got an emo haircut because they saw it on "Twilight".

Hippie ARMY Wife? said...

I actually would like a bumper sticker that says "Horcruxs, do you know where yours is?" I've see one and haven't been able to find it again!

Anonymous said...

First of all, it is gluten. Not glutten.

Please educate yourself on the serious illness called "Celiac Disease" before making anymore hateful comments re: gluten free. It is not a fad diet. It isn't trendy. It is the only solution to a serious and life altering illness. Do your research before you start typing.