I'm living surrounded by boxes and hangers all over the place. There is so much random garbage and I don't exactly know why I have it or if I need it later. What exactly do I do with my cheap "X-Men" cup or the 30 cd's that aren't marked but aren't blank? The mixes I have made, or friends have made for me, but won't y because they are so scratched up?I feel so guilt throwing them away.Do I need 50 extra push pins?
I finally buy paint for my bedroom. I loved the colors but then I felt so insecure when the salesman said, "Oh,you must really like color" TRANSLATION "What the #*&#@*&?! Who let this hippie-punk pick out color?".
Sorry sales-guy, but after being surrounded by cheap cream walls and stupid posters of babies wrapped up in a cabbage(What the?) & four year-olds pretending to get married, I want some color! I would like to be happy in the winter and the dark months, which are about 9 months long here!!!!!
1 year ago
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