Saturday, July 4, 2009

Day 4 of Renovation

Well, this 4th of July I thought i would celebrate my independence as a free woman and get to work renovating. It is so empowering to do this work by myself. I am learning how to wire electricity, tile walls, Strip paint and stain would floors, cabinets, moldings, and doors. I have no idea what possessed the previous owners to paint over such beautiful woodwork.

This has been day 4 of stripping paint off various wooden cabinets, drawers, shelves, ect. I started out the day with " the Ramones" blasting on my ipod, (good thing the neibors are hard of hearing). I think it has taken me about 4 days to use paint stripper correctly. That stuff will burn your skin off!!!!!

So why do all this? For one thing I want to know how to repair a home or car on my own. Also I'm a really poor student librarian so I don't really have a choice. I would rather learn to help myself.